i am // so hum
Sanskrit Mantra “So Hum” translation - I am that I am
A reminder that we are all one with life & life is one with us. As everything exists perfectly as it is, as do we. Through personal limitations and imperfections, we are all perfectly ourselves.
sometimes I wonder, what would this world look like if each of us were purely filled with infinite love. that we knew that simply by being, we are purely enough.
I am : therefore I am enough.
note from leah:
making space for change.
it is no accident that on the collection release // i am // is on the memorial of 10/7
today marks 1 year
1 indescribable year.
a year filled with so much confusion & grief for the unfolding of so much more than just what happened & started a year ago
so as this collection is released, i hold space for all the souls who passed, were effected, are still effected. everyday. no matter culture, race, or origin.
To honor my community:
10% of profits from this collection will go to support Tribe of Nova Foundation.
A non-profit that directly supports so many of my community members.
Follow the link to read more and see the beautiful work they have and are providing to survivors.

this will take you to their website on a new window