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Ayurvedic Dosha's & understanding who you are

Leah Levenson

Okay - so we know the the elements: ether, air, fire, water, and earth. Now I’m going to go one step further - how do the elements relate to Ayurveda?

I can’t talk about Ayurveda without going into the dosha’s, which are the dynamic, elemental forces that Ayurveda uses to assess a person’s personality and overall health — mind, body, and spirit.

A dosha is (according to each of the three energies believed to circulate in the body and govern physiological activity.

Translated from Sanskrit it is that which can cause problems" (literally meaning "fault" or "defect”). Because when we asses the dosha’s of the body, we are reading the places of imbalances. And that can literally be inside of an organ, tissue, emotion, or their genetic weaknesses. 

The dosha’s are made up of the elements.

Vata: air & ether

Pitta: fire & water

Kapha: water & earth.

When we assess our health journey, we start with the doshas — what elements are present that are creating this physical symptom. Whether that be the type of pain, skin disorders, reproductive issues, nerve disorders, insomnia, personality traits, decision making, our cravings & addictions, anything and everything. We are physical beings, and when we live in our physicality we are ruled by the dosha’s. And using the dosha’s we can bring balance by doing the opposite.

If I could give a client anything, it would be the understanding of WHO THEY ARE foundationally. When we have that knowledge we can choose a lifestyle that literally could balance our own genetic weaknesses & tendencies. 

Watch my video on instagram for the full effect with music! :)

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